Tuesday, March 14, 2023

What God has done in my life

This has been a crazy year, from February 2022-March 2023. Last February 15, 2022, we lost our little Bailey. She was the smallest of our 6 chihuahua's. We were very heart broken and still fel the pain.
Around this time I also decided to quit my job and go to trucking school to learn how to drive and how to get my CDL. I finally was scheduled to take my CDL test but failed the 1st two times. On the 3rd try, I was able to pass. I went through orientation and got with a mentor to actually learn how to drive on the highway. My first mentor was only with me a week, due to a malfunction in his AC on the truck. My 2nd mentor came along after waiting for a week. God definitely had His in this. John and I got along and I was able to learn how to drive properly. I ended up getting my own truck and was able to land on a dedicated account that gets me home 4 nights a week. The money was tight for awhile, due to playing catch up on bills. I'm almost at my one year mark and very happy with what I'm doing. God has seen my wife and I through thick and thin. I'm thankful for the up's and down's I went through.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

As Christians

As Christians, we need to love one another, teach the great commission, help each other, and support each other. I notice Christians hating on their neighbor, taking bad about coworkers and swearing. How are we supposed to lead people to Christ? I heard a preacher say to be careful because someone is watching. The love we're supposed to have is gone. I pray for my coworkers but not like I should. I end up talking bad about someone or my employer. That doesn't look good to the people that think of us as Christians.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

No Rules

I'm upset that, what society today calls Christians, is so far from God's truth. Who knows, this could have been the majority of Christian thinking for years. 
We have labeled people with the sins that they have committed, not giving any thought to maybe we're not so perfect either. What makes one sin worse than another? Nothing! The Bible does not have say that. Sin is equal;whether it's stealing, drunkenness, adultery,lying or homosexuality. 
With that being said, what makes one person think they are better than another? We're all sinners.
Hate to break hearts, but if Hitler asked Jesus to forgive him and save him, he's going to be in heaven. That's how this works.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Where's daddy Part 2

In the last 10 years I have understood more the importance of a father or male role model in a child's life. I am still learning new things.  I recently went to an event with my grandson at his school. It was hosted by All-Star dad's and the principle was the speaker.  He started the program by going over statistics of the different things children face without a father or male role model. More likely to commit suicide , go to prison, or do drugs. I have a chance to be a positive influence on someone's life who is in my immediate circle.
I can't go back and undo the past.
Since I started doing the prison ministry, I have noticed no mention of dad or, if mentioned, in a negative way. A while back, a ministry brought Mothers day cards to a local prison. They were all bought. The ministry thought they would have the same success with Father's day cards. Not a single card was bought. Father's leave a lasting impression on their children, good or bad. Sons will grow up like their fathers and daughters will look for a husband that models them. I see this around me and the affects it has. Dad's, spend as much time as you can with your kids. Show them that you love mom so that your sons can grow to be good husbands and your daughters will know what to look for in a husband.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Where is daddy Part 1

I didn't get saved until I was 20. Growing up my dad was never involved in my life. We were in the same room but might as well been miles apart. My mom was my best friend as well as a great mother. She taught me how to be tough. I have her attitude. I smoked pot when I was 12 but soon after, I separated myself from the friend who introduced me to it. I was smart but lazy. I thought I was dumb but had ADHD. I didn't graduate until I was 20. No one checked on me through school, so I never did homework. I did enough in school to get me by and eventually graduate. I didn't have a male role model so I didn't know how to be a man. I joined the Marines in 1984 and got out in `88. I was a mess the whole time I was in. I did manage to understand what work was. When I got out,  I couldn't keep a job. I got bored with them. I married and had 2 boys, Cody and Cory. I wasn't a very good father to them and rarely here from Cory and never from Cody. I didn't know how to treat my wife and eventually we divorced. I remarried and had twin boys but still struggled to be a good dad and husband. My 2nd wife divorced me and I never see my twins. During that time, I started to go to Promise Keepers and talk to preachers. I met Melissa and we have been together almost 8 years. It has been rocky, I won't lie, but I try to treat her like a princess. She is a good woman. Sometimes I feel, at 53 yrs old, I wasted most of my life. I want to serve God. I've messed over a lot of people through the years. I know I can't get that back but if I can help someone in need. I don't know how much life I have left but I have to make the best of it and be a servant to the Lord. I was a correction officer for awhile and when the inmates would ask why I was friendly to them, I said because I'm not any better than you. I could have been easily been in their shoes.

Thursday, June 22, 2017


Our mission today should be able to plant the seed of the Great Commission in at least one person. Not how much money we make, who we need to impress or what we are going to eat tonight. Everyday this seems to slip from me until I come to my spiritual senses.
Lord, I pray everyday, you remind me the true reason I'm on this planet that you created. Please help me to lead someone to You. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

Saturday, June 10, 2017


"Here's a simple rule of thumb: don't say something about someone that you wouldn't say if they were standing there. And above all, honor your wife with your words. If you're going to talk about her behind her back, make sure you're bragging. " - Mark Batterson